Register Your Nonprofit

Are you a nonprofit looking to register with us for the first time?

All 501(c)3 organizations that directly support the local community are eligible to be registered with the Magnified Giving Youth Philanthropy Program. Magnified Giving staff verify the information provided by your agency through the Attorney General website or another online resource. Once your information is verified, we will post your registration information with the other nonprofits registered with Magnified Giving on the Approved Nonprofits page. Once your registration information is approved and posted, it is your responsibility to keep the information up to date by emailing updates to Becca Freyhof at or completing a new registration form.

If you are a national organization, please provide your local chapter information in the form. If you are selected as the recipient of a grant check from a program, we will reach out so that you can provide us with the address that the grant check will be sent to for the support of your local chapter.

Registered Already?

If you are already registered with us and need to make minor changes to your page, you can email Becca Freyhof at If you need to make significant changes, please refill out the registration form above with the updated information.